Bishop Timothy O’Mahony Sesquicentenary

Evening of Sacred Music & Oration by His Grace Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, Metropolitan Archbishop of Sydney held at Ss Mary & Josephs’ Cathedral, Armidale on 9th March, 2021

Cathedral filled to “Covid” capacity

  • Video of Evening of Sacred Music & Oration

Archbishop Fisher delivering his oration

  • Bruce Myers – trumpet Warwick Dunham – organ
    Sarah Adeney – vocalist
  • Sarah Adeney – vocalist
  • Archbishop Fisher gives final blessing
  • Bishop Michael Kennedy & Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP on the steps of the Cathedral

Sesquicentenary Celebration Mass 25th March, 2021 at Ss Mary & Joseph’s Cathedral, Armidale on 25th March, 2021

  • Welcome & Introduction Sesquicentenary Mass
  • Welcome & Introduction Sesquicentenary Mass
  • Transcript of Bishop Michael Kennedy’s homily
  • Blessing the memorial stone