What is SRE? ”SRE” stands for Special Religious Education. In years past SRE was known as Scripture or Scripture Lessons and was presented in our Diocese by Religious Sisters (or Nuns). Although in some schools where Nuns were not able to assist, the Parish Priest may have sought assistance from very generous parents or parishioners to deliver scripture classes. Today though, (in the main) SRE is taught by our amazing Catechists (SRE Teachers). These people are authorised to teach SRE in public schools. In our Diocese we have 140 very generous and faith filled volunteers who teach SRE.
The NSW Department of Education requires (under Section 32 of the Education Act of 1990) that, in every government school, time is allowed for the religious education of children. In this state SRE is provided by “Approved Providers”, the Catholic Diocese of Armidale is an Approved Provider.
Our amazing catechists (SRE teachers) are in the classrooms to teach children about the love God has for each one of them. They will share with children the faith that has been handed down from the Apostle’s and teach them just as Jesus asked: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them all the commands I gave you.” Matthew 28 19-20. Their work is greatly appreciated by Bishop Kennedy and all the Clergy of our Diocese.
The Christ like values that our Catechists share with children every week are important to prepare them for adult life. It is important that our children know that there is more to preparing for life than academia, sporting excellence and material wealth. The love of God that our Catechists share with their students is something that teaches them to love all of God’s creation, to love one another and to love God with all our heart and with all our soul.
The gift of Catholic faith is received through the sacrament of baptism. It is an enduring, lifelong gift. It is symbolized by the flame handed to parents and god- parents during the Rite of Baptism of their child. Our Catechists give of themselves and of their faith to assist parents and carers to keep that flame burning brightly through the child’s formative years, so that they may become all that God wants them to be. So that they will be the best person they can be, and know of and carry with them the greatest love of all – the love of God.